Saturday, November 8, 2008


I have so much to do it is crazy...  *wait*  ok  just found out that i have to help my sister's boss move... add that on to  the already growing list of schoolwork/studying that I have to do. got to go...


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Won!

Wow.  Obama won!! Barack Obama is the president-elect of the United States of America!!!  That seems so unbelievable. It seems like only 2 years ago that this candidacy was a very long shot... if even that.  I am so enthused to have supported him early on, rooting for him in Iowa even though I could not vote there... donating money to his campaign and voting for him in the peculiar Texas primary and Caucus... rallying and hyping up support for Obama among family members and casting my vote for him during early voting just last week.  Alot of hard work among people at the grass root level really skyrocketed this "dream" into reality.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Election 2008 Voting..

Ok, first Obama 2008!!!!!

But anyway, so I wen't to vote early this election, last tuesday October 28... I wen't as soon as the polls opened about 7:10am; very early in the morning. I was expecting a very long line. There are reports of people waiting in line 2... 3.... 5! ....8+!!!! hours in some parts of the country.

It took me 5 minutes to vote from beggining to end... There were actually tons of voting booths that were unused... It's really weird how in some neighborhoods lines are extremely long and in others there are tons of voting boths compared to the relatively small population... This is america!!! It should be easier and quicker for EVERYONE to vote. Some people can't take a tuesday off and wait hours to vote. You would think after so many past election mishaps they would want to figure out a way to improve the logistics. We should want everyone to vote.


hmmmmmm ..... Anyway just something interesting i noticed....

About Me

Hi my name is Kevin Thomas. A little about me.

I am a college student 22 years old (almost 23). I'm studying biology at University of Texas at Arlington and will graduate next summer (B.A in Biology). My goal is to apply to medical school next year so I'm studying off and on for the MCAT (medical college admissions test). I should definitely begin studying harder since the test is in january (january 31, 2009 to be exact :)) and I want to get a really good 33+ score. I'll probably just post alot of random stuff on this blog....