Saturday, July 31, 2010

July's End

It's the last day of July. Let's see. I've lost a bit more weight. I am 199.8 lbs. I finished INSANITY (workout program). It was extremely challenging so I'm kind of pround of myself. :) Now I'm finishing up the rest of Power 90X. I need to lose 30.8 more pounds to get to my normal weight. 63.2 pounds down; 30.8 pounds left to go! I know I can do it!!

This summer has been completely mundane. I'm glad that it is almost over. School starts in 2 weeks... Im excited and scared out of my mind at the same time. I just want to get my first year of law school behind me. This will be my last period in school (I've been in school soo long) and once I graduate I'm free forever!!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June Update... SMU Dedman School of Law!

It's been a while since I posted.... I try to at least 1nce a month but whatever. Anyway, I'M GOING TO SMU LAW SCHOOL!!!!! Finally got my acceptance letter by UPS on Tuesday June 8th. I also was accepted to South Texas College of Law last month and was waitlisted at Texas Wesleyan Law School. SMU was my 1st choice so I'll definitely be there. So far pretty successful application cycle considering I applied to all these schools in April!!!!
SMU Dedman School of Law - WAITLISTED ----> ACCEPTED PT
South Texas College of Law - ACCEPTED
Texas Southern School of Law - ACCEPTED
Oklahoma City University School of Law (Applied only because i recieved a fee waiver here) - ACCEPTED
Texas Wesleyan School of Law - WAITLISTED ----> DENIED
University of Houston School of Law - DENIED
Baylor School of Law - DENIED (fall 2010) PENDING (spring 2011) ----> WITHDRAWN
SMU is in another league compared to all the other schools I applied to. I'm going to just wait to see if I get off of the waitlist at TX Wes just because... and I think the late application killed my chances at U of Houston/Baylor but I really didn't want to attend either of them.

and the rest...

I recieved 2 A's in my spring classes at North Lake College. That's a relief. Cultural Anthropology was extremely easy but Race, Gender, Class in America was pretty tough. TON'S of reading and writing... I guess it's good practice for law school though; lol...

I failed my driver's license road test for the second time!!!! The driving instuctor said I stopped too late at a red light??? WTF??? I went to a smooth stop and didn't break any laws but she said she felt as if if she didn't say stop then I wouldnt have stopped. I promise I would have stopped but in the end it's her call so I'll take it again w/e... crap... when am I going to learn how to drive!!!

I'm trying to find summer employment just to stay busy between now and August but I think the lady Ana Martinez at Express Employment Professionals is giving me a bad reference for leaving HMS abruptly and missing a few days (even though I told her about my family situation (sister's death, etc)) and offered to return to work for them. Whatever; I don't have time for their b.s. and complete lack of empathy. Dont want to seem arrogant but seriously I'm on to bigger and better things, lol...

Summer will probably end up being a small vacation for me...

So far lost about 10 more pounds! I left P90X at the half-way point and have begun an new workout plan called Insanity. I'm on week 4. I really want to be back in shape by the time summer is over. Let's see if I can do it.

Friday, April 30, 2010

April is Over

This month passed by a bit slower than March it seems... Let's see what happended... My oldest half sister died on April 17 of an illness. I was estranged from her for most of my childhood and re-met her when I was 15 years old. The death seemed to come out of nowhere. One day she was walking around happy as if nothing is wrong; a few months later she's extremely sick. The whole situation was horribly sad. I was a bit upset about some of the surrounding events but w/e.

So far I've been accepted to two law schools (not so good schools) and rejected by one (a good school). I've got into Texas Southern Law School and OCU Law School. I recieved the Baylor law school rejection in the mail today. Oh well. I don't want to leave Dallas anyway.

My application is currently under review at U of Houston Law School and Texas Wesleyan Law School right now. I just want to get into Texas Wesleyan Law School or SMU Law School so that I can stay in Dallas.

I left my job as an insurance verifier at HMS (Health Management Systems). I did not enjoy working there, AT ALL. I'm glad that chapter is over. Enough said.

I am exercising like crazy to finish losing weight. I AM TIRED OF BEING FAT!!!! I want my old body back!!!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

End of March summary

So it's the end of March. Another month has passed; and it was kind of fast...

I completed and submitted all of my law school applications today!!!! That is a big weight off of my shoulders. Now it's a waiting game to see where I get in....

I'm 24 and dont have a driver's license so that is where my focus goes now. Hopefully by the end of April I will have my driver's license so that I can start driving my car.

Still working at HMS; blah :(... Although I'm just glad that I have a job in this economy....

I feel like by summer I will be close to being back in shape. I'm losing weight and inches on my waist slowly. I'm on Power 90X phase 2 beginning of week 3.

I have 6 more weeks of Spring 2010 classes at DCCCD. I might have to take summer classes to defer my student loans before I start law school. Hopefully I can get summer off though. We'll see....

Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 2010

The shortest month of the year has felt long as hell.
So far Ive lost 11 pounds this year (from 228 to 217 lbs today) and have just complete P90X Double phase 1. I will complete the other 2 phases by june 1 with the hope of being back at my normal range weight of 169 lbs or below.
I took the lsat on saturday feb. 6th. (which was a horrible experience) and the score came in yesterday. It's not as high as I thought it would be but is still good enough to get into the law school that I want to attend.
Work is still mundane at my job; (the only good part is the 3 day mon.-wed. work week but it's 12hrs+ a day!) I have between 13 and 26 more weeks left there and then I can put it behind me. Thank Goodness! I could not do this j.o.b. for much longer than that.
I got forgiveness for my be-on-time student loan (about $10,000)! Sadly I have $28,000 left in loans :(... My other loans are in deferement because I am taking 2 classes this semester through DCCCD (Cultural Anthropology and Race,Gender, Class in America). Both are interesting classes with alot of writing/ critical thinking which is what I do well at.
Here comes March...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

the new year

yep new year is here.. just checking in... still working at the same job mon-wed..

my application process for law school is in full gear with only 4 weeks of study for the LSAT remaining... i haven't studied very much and i know that is horrible so i'll put the studying in full gear starting this week... I have to finish my applications as well within this time...

i'm starting back to exercising this week; hopefully i'll lose 3 pound per week and with P90X workout routine that is entirely possible. it just depends on my eating habits which i will definitely try to monitor strictly... i'm proud that i've lost 35 pounds so far. i need to lose at least 50 more to be back to my healthy weight range...

classes start at dcccd on january 19th so I'll be taking 2 undergrad courses in addition to all of the other things i am doing... can anyone say overload!!!