Saturday, March 27, 2010

End of March summary

So it's the end of March. Another month has passed; and it was kind of fast...

I completed and submitted all of my law school applications today!!!! That is a big weight off of my shoulders. Now it's a waiting game to see where I get in....

I'm 24 and dont have a driver's license so that is where my focus goes now. Hopefully by the end of April I will have my driver's license so that I can start driving my car.

Still working at HMS; blah :(... Although I'm just glad that I have a job in this economy....

I feel like by summer I will be close to being back in shape. I'm losing weight and inches on my waist slowly. I'm on Power 90X phase 2 beginning of week 3.

I have 6 more weeks of Spring 2010 classes at DCCCD. I might have to take summer classes to defer my student loans before I start law school. Hopefully I can get summer off though. We'll see....