Monday, October 19, 2009

1st week at job

Alright, I've just completed the first week at my first real job at HMS as an insurance verifier! It's an outbound call center environment verifying eligibility of Medicaid/ Medicare members to receive government health insurance. I am working there through a temporary agency named Express Employment Professionals. It's no where close to what I wanted to do once I graduated from college (not going to go into details because this is online); and the pay is poverty level ($11 per hr). I don't think I would ever do a call center job again. I just need the experience so I will try to stay here for 6 months to 1 year before I change things up.
I need to seriously decide what career(s) that I am going to pursue soon. I thought I was going to law school but I don't know. Honestly, I'm open to anything professional (teacher, doctor, nurse, lawyer, computer scientist, physician assistant, etc) as long as there is relative job security, a very formal work environment, and high pay (OK take teacher off of that list LOL!). But it takes a while to prepare for graduate school/certification/etc: If I decide medical I would need to study for the MCAT; for law I need to study for the LSAT; for physic. assist. I need to study for the GRE; nursing and comp. sci. require prerequisite courses and 2nd undergrad degrees; all paths require lots of prep; ......hmmmmmmm but I don't know what I want to do.... I need to decide soon!

Anyway, I hate being broke so right now I'm just waiting for my first paycheck (this Friday). Just keep reminding myself that I am working this crappy job for the paycheck and the experience on my resume... and it's only three 12-15 hr days a week (Thursday-Saturday)...

*sigh* I wonder what I'm going to be doing in 5 years from now....

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I got a job! That was really fast. It's as an insurance verifier for Health Management Systems (HMS); basically government health insurance collections.

Hey it's not the most glamorous position to start as a college grad but with no experience I have to begin somewhere. It's fulltime three days a week (Thurs-Fri-Sat) and 12-15 hrs a day; with occasional Sundays! That's a weird schedule (with lots of overtime) but I like the thought of having 4 days off most weeks. The job commences next Thursday (Oct. 15th) so I have about 5 days between now and then. I'll just keep on my exercise plan and study some of the job training info. given to me in a package I received yesterday.

Anyways, I need to rearrange my exercise schedule to Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday....