Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Letters of Recommendation

OK, I got my 2 letters of recommendation for law school set up!

One of my letter writers is a really nice social work professor that I took a class called "Human Behavior" from. I literally wrote 50+ pages worth of assignments, essays, journals, for this one class. But I received a high A in the class (97%-99%; I don’t remember). She actually wrote a recommendation for medical school for me at the time. Now she has agreed to write a recommendation for law school.

My other recommender is a practicing attorney that my sister works with/for. I have met him quite a few times and have helped a bit around the office over the past few years. I may volunteer a bit more before he writes the recommendation (since I haven't been up there for a while); or he may do it now. I have to wait and see.

Both recommendations will hopefully be in my LSAC file by next month...

I am just glad that I can check this off of the list of things I need to do....


Sunday, November 1, 2009

weight loss

I've lost 5 more pounds!.... just by doing random cardio (jogging, walking, jump roping, dancing, etc)... That puts me at exactly 200 pounds... still fat but alot better than where I was in January of this year (260 lbs!).

I didn't do "power-90x-double" all of last month which sucks because I definitely would have lost more weight if I had. I'm back to the power 90 routine starting today. I’ll begin right where I left off. My goal is to finish all 3 phases by January 1st, 2010 and be back at a healthy weight. I'll cut my body fat pretty low then bulk up on muscle. That'll be a big transformation and I'm documenting this whole journey in pictures....

3rd week at job

OK I’ve completed my first 3 weeks at HMS.... yep still crappy.... but it'll pay enough for me to pay for the law school admissions process (pretty expensive). I'm going to take the LSAT (law school admissions test) on Saturday February 6th, 2010; that will be just in time to meet all of the deadlines for fall 2010 admissions. I am really competitive with my science bachelor's degree (most applicants have liberal arts bachelor's degrees) and my GPA is good; I have the volunteer experience/extracurricular's/ yadda yadda so I should have a good shot at getting in....

It's really exciting.... I am going to be a lawyer in about 3 and a half years. At least having other goals is helping me endure this dead-end j.o.b......